The Patrol Division, under the command of Captain Robert S. Singleton, III, is the largest division within the police department and is responsible for providing 24-hour law enforcement services and specialized enforcement to the community. Uniformed police officers answer nearly 250 calls for service daily and strive to provide the highest quality law enforcement service in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

The Patrol Division also consists of these specialized units:

  • Traffic
  • K9 Unit
  • Animal Control


C. Furman Headshot

Lt. C. Furman
Patrol Executive Officer

Access the Traffic Collision Report Form here.
K. Dow-King Headshot

Lt. K. Dow-King

A Shift

Lt. C. Sheppard-Lewis

B Shift

Patrol Division Lieutenant Jeremy Van Allen

Lt. J. Van Allen

C Shift

D Capell Headshot

Lt. D. Capell

D Shift